Years with WSA 8 Years Education Bachelor of Fine Arts in Interior Design | Miami University Minor in Business Management Organizational Leadership | Miami University Community Involvement President-Elect | IIDA Ohio Kentucky Chapter Board Member | A Kid Again Central Ohio What is your favorite neighborhood in Columbus? The Alphabet Streets What song best describes […]
Years with WSA
8 Years
Bachelor of Fine Arts in Interior Design | Miami University
Minor in Business Management Organizational Leadership | Miami University
Community Involvement
President-Elect | IIDA Ohio Kentucky Chapter
Board Member | A Kid Again Central Ohio
What is your favorite neighborhood in Columbus?
The Alphabet Streets
What song best describes your work ethic?
“Human” by The Killers
What is your favorite movie quote?
“Remember, boys, no points for second place” – Slider, Top Gun
Have you ever started petting a really fluffy dog and just gotten very overwhelmed by how fluffy this dog is?